diseases, including scoliosis, partial meniscus tears, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, and other conditions. In a supportive and nurturing environment, Dooling’s techniques help decrease pain and stress, and increase mental and physical well-being. Dooling’s style of Japanese acupuncture differs from Traditional Chinese Medicine with regard to needling technique, but brings about the pleasant feeling of Qi, or energy, commonly associated with Chinese acupuncture. Also unique to Japanese acupuncture is Dooling’s use of shiunko moxibustion at acupuncture points. The moxibustion oils have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties and strengthen the immune system and boost the healing process.
Adrienne Dooling currently resides in Truckee, California where she has her own practice and lives with her family. Dooling's interest in acupuncture sparked at a young age when she was always getting sick and being treated by Western Medicine which was not helping her. Desperate to get better, Dooling sought a nutritionist, who referred her to acupuncture for her health. "Acupuncture helped me get better and that's how I became interested in Oriental Medicine." Dr. Dooling is from Ireland and moved to California where she attended Five Branch University in San Jose and achieved a Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine and a Doctoral in Acupuncture. Dooling, eager to learn more about acupuncture, continue her education in Seitai Shinpo, a form of Japanese acupuncture, on the Big Island of Hawaii. Here, Dr. Dooling spent 5 years as an apprentice under a program let by Dr. Chieko Maekawa. Dr. Dooling is 1 of 29 certified in this world to practice Seitai Shinpo. Dooling provides treatments for chronic